What is Preservation Planning?
The American Planning Association describes planning as the process of working to improve the welfare of people and their communities by creating more convenient, equitable, healthful, efficient, and attractive places for present and future generations. Historic Preservation planning, then, is the application of this approach to historic preservation efforts at all levels, from the federal level down to neighborhood groups working toward getting their neighborhood listed and everything in between. The historic preservation planning process involves a rational and methodical approach, which works to develop shared vision and specific goals and priorities for the preservation of historic, cultural, and archaeological resources. Moreover, proper historic preservation planning will also provide a clear and effective path to achieving those goals and reaching that overall vision.
Historic Preservation Planning in Idaho is comprised of a wide range of activities, including: the development of both the statewide comprehensive historic preservation plan, as well as local historic preservation plans for counties and municipalities; identification and development of historic contexts; management planning for specific cultural resources; and gathering and analyzing information about historic resources in order to identify and define priorities. Preservation planning is an ongoing activity, subject to continuous modification and input and is closely related to all the other SHPO program areas.
The Idaho State Historic Preservation Plan
Idaho’s historic, archaeological, and cultural resources represent the physical and tangible manifestations of our history; they reflect who we were, where we came from, where we are now, and help shape our outlook for the future. By protecting, preserving, and understanding these important resources, we can understand the past, the present, and the future, not as separate events or periods, but as an on-going narrative. Therefore, it is the vision of Preserving Our Past, Enriching Our Future: The Idaho State Historic Preservation Plan, 2016-2022 to take purposeful steps and actions to create a state-culture in which Idaho’s historic, archaeological, and cultural resources are recognized as important in the lives of Idahoans, understood and readily accepted as relevant to today, and in which all people in the state, residents and visitors alike, are actively engaging in preserving, sharing, and using those resources to inform and positively influence the future of the State of Idaho.
The Idaho Historic Preservation Plan (IHPP) establishes the priorities and goals for the historic preservation community throughout the State of Idaho. This community includes individuals and organizations on all levels and of all types, not just the State Historic Preservation Office; it also includes Tribes, nonprofit organizations, private firms, other government agencies, historic preservation commissions, owners of historic properties, and individuals. With so many different groups and organizations making up Idaho’s historic preservation community, it is necessary to have a common framework for our efforts. The purpose of the IHPP is help ensure that all of these dedicated and passionate preservationist are better able to carry out the work necessary to try and bring the Plan’s vision to reality.
For more information on Preservation Planning or the Idaho State Historic Preservation Plan, please contact the Historic Preservation Planner at (208) 488-7471 or by email.
2024 Idaho State Historic Preservation Plan Update
The Idaho State Historic Preservation Office has begun the process to update our State Historic Preservation Plan. For more information on the Plan update process, please visit the 2024 Idaho State Historic Preservation Plan Update page.