ISHS is committed to making history an essential resource for the people of Idaho through both traditional and innovative services that respond to social needs.
ISHS is committed to team unity and mutual respect among its staff, board, partners, and volunteers.
Monday-Friday | 8 am-5 pm
2205 Old Penitentiary Road
Boise, ID 83712
(208) 334-2682
The Board of Trustees of the Idaho State Historical Society is the policy-making and governance body for the agency, is appointed by the Governor, and has all of the powers and duties established by the Constitution of the State of Idaho. Trustees provide a statewide perspective that informs agency services and serve as a vital communication link back to communities.
The Idaho State Historical Society Board of Trustees hold quarterly meetings.
ISHS Board of Trustees Meetings
Idaho Geographic Names Advisory Council meets biannually to advise the Idaho State Historical Society Board of Trustees on new geographic name proposals, name-change proposals, name corrections, or error corrections, as sent by the U.S. Board on Geographic Names for locations within the State of Idaho.
Idaho Geographic Names Board Meeting
2022 – TBD
The Idaho Historic Sites Review Board meets biannually, spring and fall, to consider nominations to the National Register of Historic Places. The public is welcome to attend these meetings. For additional information, please call (208) 334-3861
Idaho Historic Sites Review Board Meeting
For additional information, please contact HannaLore Hein, staff representative at (208) 514-2311.
Governor’s Lewis and Clark Trail Committee Meeting
The State Historical Records Advisory Board (SHRAB) is the central advisory body for historical records coordination with each state and for National Historical Publications and Records Commission(NHPRC) state an local records projects within the state.
SHRABs are authorized under federal regulations governing the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (36 CFR Chapter 12). In this capacity, their primary responsibilities are to:
- Develop, revise, and submit to the Commission a state plan including priorities for state historical records projects; and to
- Review all grant proposals to NHPRC for state and local records projects within the state and make recommendations on these proposals to the Commission.
2022 Meeting Notice
2022 Meeting Agenda
Idaho Code 74-201 through 74-208