Official Government Website

Old Idaho Penitentiary

Old Idaho Penitentiary

Built in 1870, the Old Idaho Penitentiary is one of only four territorial prisons open to the public today. During its 101 years of operation, the site saw escapes, scandals and the effects of Boise’s transition from the “wild west” to a mid-20th century capital city. Step inside the four walls of the prison yard and imagine a life of confinement as steel doors close behind you.

Guided Tours are available most days for an additional $2 fee. Due to unpredictable weather and staff availability, guided tour reservations are only available on-site at the Old Idaho Penitentiary front desk. Call 208-334-2844 close to your visit date for the most current information on guided tour times. Self-Guided Tours are available during all operating hours.

The site is mostly accessible to all guests. Some upstairs areas are open to visitors, but only accessible via stairs. Visual aids are available for guests unable to access these areas.

Please note: The Old Idaho Penitentiary does not allow professional photography during regular visitation hours. Please visit the site FAQs for more information on permits.


Winter Hours

Monday-Sunday | 12 pm-5 pm                          Last admission 4 pm

Spring Break Hours: March 15-23                          12 pm-7pm Last Admission 6 pm

Summer Hours

Memorial Day through Labor Day:

Monday-Sunday | 10 am-5 pm                                 Last admission 4 pm


2445 Old Penitentiary Road
Boise, ID 83712

Free Parking Available


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Old Pen Exhibits


Cemetery Tours, Paranormal Investigations, Scavenger Hunts, and more! View a list of annual and upcoming annual events and programs from the Old Idaho Penitentiary. Learn More

Old Idaho Penitentiary

Shop Online

Browse an array of unique, Idaho-inspired items from the Old Idaho Penitentiary's Souvenir Confinement store and the Idaho State Museum's M Store.

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