The Idaho State Historical Society welcomes you to enjoy the Table Rock trails and mesa during these warmer Boise months.
There is no vehicle access to the mesa.
You can access the mesa by hiking and biking (check for designated bike trails). The trails and the mesa can be accessed from sunrise to sunset. Table Rock Mesa is closed to all access at sunset.
While the Idaho State Historical Society manages the mesa, ISHS does not own, operate, or maintain any roads leading to Table Rock. Always check trail conditions before planning your hike, and park at the designated trail head near the Old Idaho Penitentiary. Enjoy Idaho’s rich history and landscape today!
You can help support maintenance and site improvements at Table Rock by making a donation to the Idaho State Historical Society.
Sunrise to Sunset Daily
Boise, ID 83712
(208) 334-2844
Glocal Impact: From Idaho and Beyond with Dr. Sydney Freeman, Jr.
Table Rock is a natural geologic formation comprised mostly of sandstone. The Table Rock mesa and surrounding area is sacred to several Native American tribes. Inmates serving time at the Old Idaho Penitentiary quarried sandstone in the area.
- Table Rock is accessible Sunrise to Sunset daily.
- Walking/hiking/biking paths via the Foothills trail system provide recreational access. Parking for these purposes is available near the Old Idaho Penitentiary.
- Access after dark is prohibited.
- No off-road or off-trail access is allowed.
- Parking is encouraged at trailheads with very limited parking available on East Table Rock Road. Please park in designated areas only.
- In the case of emergencies, contact Signal 88 Security (208)340-5446.
- Please place garbage in the trash cans provided on the site.
- Please help keep this site clean and graffiti free so that all visitors can enjoy the beautiful view.
- For information about Table Rock or the Old Penitentiary Historic District, please call (208)334-2844.