Idaho State Archives Reproduction and Use Guidelines
Reproductions of the Idaho State Archives (ISA) historic materials are available for purchase and use in accordance with the policies as outlined below. Proceeds from fees are used to support and maintain the ISA collections.
Reproduction Information
Allow two weeks processing time for orders; allow additional time for processing large requests (ten or more images) or orders requiring special work. Images will be produced as-is with minimal digital restoration and will retain original characteristics. Rush orders will be accepted only if staff and the reproduction lab can accommodate the request. Special requests need to be communicated before an order is placed and may result in additional fees.
Idaho State Archives research fee of $50 per hour applies for reproduction research requests once the complimentary 30 minutes has been reached. Orders must be submitted on an Idaho State Archives Image Order Form and must be accompanied by prepayment. The order form must identify requested images by accession number and accurate subject information. Failure to provide complete, correct information will delay processing of the order and may result in additional charges for research time. There are no refunds given for completed reproduction work.
Questions about reproduction requests may be directed to (208) 334-2620 or by emailing archives.reproduction@ishs.idaho.gov.
(208) 334-2620
Digital files can be requested in tiff or jpeg format. They will be scanned at 600dpi based on an approximate 8″x10″ size. Files will be delivered via email through the file transfer service WeTransfer.
Use fees apply only when images are used in a public context and only if copyright is clearly owned by the Idaho State Historical Society (ISHS); use fees are charged as a means to supplement ISA’s resources for providing preservation, access and services to Idaho’s unique and often fragile historical collections.
Only professionally produced images of items in ISA collections may be used for public presentation. Proper citation is required for any public use of images and must include: [photographer (if known) or collection name], [identifier], Idaho State Archives.
The ISHS does not claim to own Copyright on most of the material in its collections. It is the user’s obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions (such as donor restrictions, privacy rights, publicity rights, licensing, and trademarks) when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in ISA’s collections. ISA will provide any available information about materials upon request. The Idaho State Historical Society reserves the right to limit the number of photographic copies; to restrict the reproduction of rare or fragile items; and to change processing and use fees without notice.
Historic Photographs Collection: Reproduction and Use Fees
The fee structure for ordering historic images is two-part, reproduction and use fees. Fees listed are priced per image and are subject to change without notice. Idaho sales tax charged on orders received from patrons in Idaho. Prepayment in U.S. dollars, check or credit card is required. A quote will be provided by staff prior to finalization of sale.
Collection materials that have already been converted to a digital format and meet current reproduction standards.
First-time conversion to digital
Reproduction services requiring one staff member and collection materials in stable condition. Examples include: Non-oversize materials (photographs or documents smaller than 11″x17″), non-bound materials, film negatives, slides, audio cassettes, and maps which are found in stable condition and can be imaged using the map scanner.
Fragile, oversized, or special items
Reproduction services requiring two staff members due to fragility of collection materials. Examples include glass transparencies and negatives, oversized materials, framed materials (photographs, documents, or crayon enlargements), encased photographs (daguerreotypes or ambrotypes) or documents, fragile materials with signs of deterioration, 3D objects.
All Media Use applies to reproductions which can be used for all media types (publications, websites, television, film, social media, etc.). A use fee maybe applied for public/commercial use of an image. Use fee is waived for government agencies, 501(c)3 non-profit organizations, Idaho news organizations, students and use in classroom presentations. The All Media Use fee will only be applied to images which ISHS is the clear copyright owner.
Rush reproduction orders requested for next business day. Orders must be requested prior to 1:00 PM MST to be delivered on the next business day.