Having problems finding that elusive ancestor of yours? Have you hit the proverbial “Brick Wall” and can’t seem to locate any more records of your ancestor? The Idaho Genealogical Society […]
12 Apr
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Idaho State Archives2205 Old Penitentiary Rd., Boise, ID, 83712
Join us for a special program celebrating the newly published book Nosotras: Latinas in Idaho, co-edited by Maria Gonzalez Cardenas and Emily Wakild. This work profiles the stories of 50 […]
12 Apr
3:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Idaho State Museum610 Julia Davis Dr., Boise, ID, 83702
Celebrating 50 Years of History and Heritage of The Bishops’ House The Bishops’ House is a historic piece of Treasure Valley history, and to honor 50 years at its current […]
The Idaho Genealogical Society presents Kim S. Harrison who will provide an overview of the different types of records or sources that were created by the railroad or the people […]
10 May
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Idaho State Archives2205 Old Penitentiary Rd., Boise, ID, 83712