Having problems finding that elusive ancestor of yours? Have you hit the proverbial “Brick Wall” and can’t seem to locate any more records of your ancestor? The Idaho Genealogical Society […]
12 Apr
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Idaho State Archives2205 Old Penitentiary Rd., Boise, ID, 83712
Join us for a special program celebrating the newly published book Nosotras: Latinas in Idaho, co-edited by Maria Gonzalez Cardenas and Emily Wakild. This work profiles the stories of 50 […]
12 Apr
3:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Idaho State Museum610 Julia Davis Dr., Boise, ID, 83702
The Idaho Genealogical Society presents Kim S. Harrison who will provide an overview of the different types of records or sources that were created by the railroad or the people […]
10 May
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Idaho State Archives2205 Old Penitentiary Rd., Boise, ID, 83712