Before you begin, contact Jason Tippeconnic Fox, SHPO National Register Coordinator, at jasontippeconnic.fox@ishs.idaho.gov
or (208) 488-7468 to determine if previous survey materials and research for this property is on file (if you have not done so already).
In most cases, SHPO will require you to complete our Preliminary Eligibility Questionnaire to determine whether the property is eligible for listing in the NRHP.
In general, preparing a nomination for a single property requires between 100-150 hours of research, writing, and revision. Additionally, the review process is typically between one (1) and two (2) years. This is no application fee to submit. However, preparers supply completed nomination materials at their own cost.
Monday-Friday | 8 am-5 pm
Closed state holidays.
210 Main St.
Boise, ID 83702
(208) 488-7468
The NRHP Nomination Process
- Any person or organization may submit a nomination for any property.
- To nominate a property to the National Register, the Idaho SHPO requires first that a Preliminary Eligibility Questionnaire be completed and submitted for review. If a property is determined to meet the minimum criteria for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places, then the SHPO staff will advise you through the next steps.
- If a property is determined eligible than a “National Register of Historic Places Registration Form” (10-900), must be completed and submitted to the National Register Coordinator at the Idaho State Historic Preservation Office.
- The SHPO staff reviews each nomination received. If the nomination is complete and in an acceptable format, SHPO staff will schedule the property for presentation at the earliest possible Idaho State Historic Sites Review Board meeting. Nominations with content or format concerns may be returned to the preparer with comments for completion or correction.
- In order to meet legal notification requirements, and provide adequate time for review, the preparer must submit a complete draft of the National Register nomination to the National Register Coordinator at SHPO by October 15th to be placed on the agenda of the next year’s Idaho Historic Sites Review Board meeting.
- The Idaho State Historic Sites Review Board meets annually on the third Saturday in May. When a nomination is scheduled to go before the Board, SHPO will notify the preparer, property owners, and local officials as to the date, time, and location of the meeting.
- If the Historic Sites Review Board approves the nomination, it will be sent to the Keeper of the Register, in Washington, D.C. Any written comments submitted (according to regulations) that are received before or during the Board meeting will be transmitted with the nomination to the Keeper of the Register.
- The Keeper has forty-five (45) days from date of receipt of nomination to act. The Keeper can list the property in the National Register, issue a “determination of eligibility”, reject the property for listing, or return the nomination for additional information or clarification.
- The Keeper notifies the SHPO of the listing of the property in the National Register of Historic Places, and the SHPO then notifies all property owners and elected state and local officials of the designation.
- Once a property is listed, SHPO will issue a commemorative certificate denoting listing in the National Register to the property owner. SHPO does not provide plaques to property owners; however, the National Park Service has information about companies from which a property owner may purchase a plaque at their own expense available at https://www.nps.gov/subjects/nationalregister/faqs.htm.