Day of Service – Table Rock Trail Cleanup and Painting the B
Old Idaho Penitentiary staff are gathering the community for a morning at Table Rock! Join us for trail cleanup or painting the hillside “B” in the Boise Foothills above the penitentiary on Saturday, April 12, at 10:00 am.
A kickoff to America250, a multi-year commemoration of the 2026 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, “Two Lights for Tomorrow” marks the anniversary of Paul Revere’s overnight lantern-lit ride in April 1775. This “nationwide call to action” celebrates the spirit of service.
RSVP at:
Participants will be provided with bags for trail cleanup, and paint and supplies for painting the “B.” Dress for the weather, the outdoor hike, and use of paint!
Note: Due to limited parking at Table Rock, participants will be asked to park at the trailhead parking lot next to the Old Idaho Penitentiary site on Old Idaho Penitentiary Road and hike upward. No vehicle access is available to the summit. Site staff will greet and check attendees in at the trailhead. The bumpy hike to Table Rock from the trailhead is approximately two miles each way.
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