“Ocean to Idaho” Film Screening and Presentation
Salmon swim 850 miles from the ocean to Idaho. This year… go with them.
Follow the salmon migration in the film shot solo by outdoor journalist, Kris Millgate. During the documentary, Millgate shows the journey of the endangered fish through the Pacific Northwest and into Idaho’s wilderness.
What happened in front of the camera is in the “Ocean to Idaho” documentary. What happened behind the camera is in Millgate’s new book, “My Place Among the Fish,” which she will share with you during the event.
Millgate will be signing books after the screening and presentation. Purchase your book during the event or ahead of time at: Idaho State Historical Society – Store
See a temporary photo gallery in the Museum’s lobby that shows Millgate’s journey before and after the presentation. Cash bar and concessions available for purchase.
Meet Millgate, follow the journey, and honor the resilience of the Chinook salmon during this upcoming event at the Idaho State Museum.
In addition to free admission, Idaho State Historical Society members are invited to attend a member-only meet and greet with Millgate before the event at 5PM. Doors open for the event at 5:30pm.
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