Official Government Website

Hands-On History Workshop: Photos and Documents

Join the Idaho State Historical Society’s collections team to explore how we keep historic materials safe for generations to come. We’ll provide the experts and archival tools to guide you in the dos and don’ts of preservation! Bring your family photos and documents for this hands-on workshop as we guide you through the care and keeping of your precious paper-based heirlooms.  Your archival preservation kit will include:

  • 1 archival record storage box
  • Acid free document folders
  • Acid free document dividers
  • Archival label and label holder
  • Quick reference preservation worksheet

Materials must fit (unfolded!) in a 15 ½” x 12 ½” x 5” box. Admission is included in your ticket price so you can discover more in Exhibiting Curiosity, the museum’s newest exhibit, after the workshop. Registration is limited to 30 attendees. Reserve your space today!

Cost is $35 for ISHS Members and $50 for non-members.


Jan 27 2024


10:30 am - 12:00 pm

More Info



Idaho State Museum
610 Julia Davis Dr., Boise, ID, 83702

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