The SHPO staff work directly with local historic preservation commissions and municipal staff to support their historic preservation efforts. From guidance and advice on potential projects and commission reviews to providing free training and education, SHPO staff are available to help supply Certified Local Governments with the expertise they need to make their historic preservation programs as strong as possible.
In addition to the Idaho Certified Local Government Program Handbook and the Idaho CLG Grants Manual, there are a number of additional resources out there for CLGs, and preservationists in general.
(208) 334-3861
National Park Service
The National Park Service provides a lot of free resources for CLGs. The Park Service will occasionally offer free webinars, but there are a number of online resources communities can use.
This page lists all of the Federal laws and regulations related to historic preservation in the United States. Learn More
These are guidance documents from the Secretary of the Interior and the National Park Service, which can be used to help communities, preservationists, property owners, and others better understand how to preserve our history. Learn More
The Preservation Briefs are a series of publications, each of which deal with a specific element or type of preservation (e.g. Repointing Mortar Joints, Preservation of Historic Barns, Making a Historic Property Accessible, and many more). They are a great reference for addressing specific issues. Learn More
These case studies are also useful for addressing the technical aspects of specific preservation issues. Learn More
These short bulletins each look at a different project type, and provide guidance on which of the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation apply to that project and how those Standards apply. Learn More
National Trust for Historic Preservation
The National Trust for Historic Preservation is the national non-profit, preservation advocacy organization. They have a bunch of information on historic preservation from around the country.
Preservation Idaho
Preservation Idaho is our state-wide non-profit and advocacy organization. In addition to providing educational trainings and tours, and the Annual Orchids and Onions event, Preservation Idaho can also be a resource for communities looking for help advocating for preservation at the local level, whether it is for a specific building or for preservation in general.
Idaho Heritage Trust
The Idaho Heritage Trust was created for the specific purpose of preserving the historic fabric of Idaho for our State’s Bicentennial in 2009 through a program of grants and technical assistance. They are another source of potential grant funding and technical assistance for communities and property owners.
National Alliance for Preservation Commissions
The National Alliance for Preservation Commissions (NAPC) is an organization dedicated to helping local historic preservation commissions carry out their work. The NAPC provides a lot of resources and documents historic preservation commissions can use to advance preservation locally. The NAPC also offers FORUM, a biennial training conference for historic preservation commission members.