Is Your Farm or Ranch 100 Years Old or More?
In 1937, New York State Agricultural Society began officially recognizing Century Farms and Ranches. In 1976, the United States Bicentennial, several states initiated the Century Farm and Ranch program and today 43 states participate in recognizing family farms and ranches that have reached this milestone.
The Idaho Century Farm and Ranch program, a partnership of the Department of Agriculture and the Idaho State Historical Society, was created to recognize the importance and extraordinary contributions of Idaho’s farming and ranching pioneers by honoring those families who have farmed or ranched the same land their ancestors did 100 years ago, and at least 40 acres of the original parcel of land is still maintained as part of the present holding. Since the program began (1990), over 450 farms and ranches statewide have been designated Idaho Century Farms or Ranches by the Idaho Department of Agriculture and the Idaho State Historical Society.
Every Idaho farm and ranch has a history and family story. Through the stories of families and communities people discover their place in time. These stories of achievement (setting up homesteads), courage (enduring forces of mother nature) and passion (perusing the love of the land) have shaped people’s personal values, identities, and their sense of place that guides them through life. The Century Farm and Ranch program encourages families to share their stories of their century long connections to farming, ranching and Idaho’s land.
Agriculture has been the heart of Idaho, it is diverse, abundant, and rooted in the state’s history. In 1920 there were approximately 42,106 farms* in Idaho, today there are over 24,500 farm* and ranches in Idaho, producing more than 185 commodities. During the 1950s Idaho’s farms decreased in number and increased in size. The average acreage per farm in the 20’s was approximately 198 today it is approximately 468 acres. Idaho agriculture remains a fundamentally important part of Idaho’s economy, communities and way of life.
(208) 334-2682
Applications are accepted for eligibility throughout the year. Once the application is reviewed and verified, it is then presented to the ISHS Board of Trustees for approval at their next scheduled meeting. (Please submit your applications one month before a meeting is held. Meetings are held in February, June, August, December).
Applications may be obtained by calling (208) 514-2326 or writing the Idaho State Historical Society, 2205 Old Penitentiary Road, Boise ID 83712.
Congratulations to the 2024 Century Farm and Ranch Families
Each year, the Idaho State Historical Society and Idaho Department of Agriculture formally recognize Idaho Farm and Ranches that are 100 years old or more.
Armstrong-Zita Farm, McCammon, Bannock County
Arnold Homestead, Grangeville, Idaho County
Fred & Pearl Yost Famil Farm, Grace, Caribou County
Frostenson Family Farms, Fairfield, Camas County
Houck Farms, Bonners Ferry, Boundary County
John & Grace Gibson Farm, Grace, Caribou County
Lickley Family Ranch, Jerome, Jerome County
John Henry Meiners Sr., Bancroft, Caribou County
Shaw Homestead Ranch, McCall, Valley County
Sonnen Farm, Greencreek, Idaho County
Thompson Farms of Arbon Idaho, Pocatello, Oneida County